Tuesday 24 September 2013

Week 1 [First meeting, strategic management???]

A new day in a new semester for a third year in USIM, as a degree student of Muamalat Administration, my first class for this semester start with subject Strategic Management. My first expectation about this subject is that my brain will full of new formula!! but that was a great for me i guess :) usually what student set in their mind for the first class in the first week is that there is an ice breaking!! and that was awesome for me to hear from my friend to introduce them self over and over again.!

My lecturers' name for this subject is Dr. Ummi Salwa, she ask us to call her miss ummi, such a beautiful name. Our first task for the first week is to build the tallest tower by using newspaper provided by miss ummi. She also allowed us to use our own resources to make the tower. At the same time, i have no idea of doing the tower and the connection between the strategic management subject. we are given 20 minutes to build up the tower. When the times up, she ask us to bring it down to the stage to do an examination to that tower. First of all, she will examine which group build the tallest and later she examine the strength of the tower base itself.

After the task end, she ask us about what we have learn based on the task given. Miss ummi always use cordless mic, because she love to move around, up and down. Sometimes it make me panic and nervous, because I dont really like to be the people attention. Fuhhh, luckly I'm not the chosen one to briefly tell what we learnt from the task. But, what I learn from the task is to find the best strategy. In every group, we need to have someone that can lead the task. Someone that have a good leadership. The leader will discuss with other members on how to achieve their goal, to make the tallest tower. Miss ummi explain that in achieving any goal that we have set up, we need to have a knowledge on that particular thing. After we have the knowledge, only then we know how to achive it.

After the ice breaking, she briefly explain about the subject and what we will learn from this subject. Before she end the class, she told us to make a blog that we will use as our place to share what we learn from the lecture. So, here I am, my FIRST experience as a BLOGGER... hoooyaaa... hehe

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