Thursday 28 November 2013



For this week, there is no lecture and face to face tutorial. Miss Ummi post a task in facebook group. We need to answer the task through GOALS. The topic notes that Miss Ummi told us to read by ourselves is about corporate culture and leadership : keys to good strategy.

 After read the notes, I try my best to answer what Madam Huda ask. This is my answer :

Saturday 23 November 2013



We always heard about diversified company, but what is exactly diversified is? Diversified means a business that operates in more than one industry or market, and uses different distribution channels as a matter of corporate strategy. In this chapter we learnt about corporate strategy : diversification and the multibusiness company. What does crafting a diversification strategy entail? There were four step in diversification strategy which is :

  1. picking new industries to enter and deciding on the means of entry 
  2. pursuing opportunities to leverage cross-business value chain relationships and strategic fit into competitive advantage
  3. establishing investment priorities ant steering corporate resources into the most attractive business units
  4. initiating actions to boost the combine performance of the cooperation's collection of business.
Diversification is good for business because it can broaden the company market and it will improve the performance of the business. But when should the firm consider diversifying? The company can start diversifying when :

  • it can expand into business whose technologies and product complement its present business
  • its resources and capabilities can be used as valuable competitive assets in other business
  • cost can be reduced by cross-businesses sharing or transfer of resources and capabilities
  • transferring a strong brand name to the products of other businesses help drive up sales and profits of those businesses
Diversification is also a strategy that include every element, values, department, and shareholder of the firm. Every strategy that the manager implement need to focus on the effect to shareholder, if the strategy will give more profit, then the shareholder will be happy and give their support but if different situation occur, it will effect he firm entirely. So, how the diversification adds value to the shareholder? To prove that the diversification strategy really adds value, the firm need to undergo a test which is :

  1. the attractiveness test
  2. the cost of entry test
  3. the better-off test 

Miss Ummi also taught us about synergy. Synergy is the action that occur when the company show a better performance. Beside that, synergy is a state in which two or more things work together in a perticularly fruitful way that produces an effect greater the sum of their individual effects. Expressed also as "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts"

There are three options in diversifying a new business which is:
  1. acquisitions of an existing business
  2. internal new venture (start up)
  3. joint venture
Acquisition can happen from taking custody of records. It also might happen when a firm taking possession of an asset by purchase. Sometimes it also occur when other firm taking control of a firm by purchasing 51 percent or more of its voting shares. On the other hand, joint venture define as a new firm formed to achieve specific objectives of a partnership like temporary arrangement between two or more firms. Joint venture are advantageous as a risk reducing mechanism in new-market penetration, and in pooling of resource for large projects. They, however, present unique problems in equity ownership, operational control and distribution of profits or losses. 

Saturday 16 November 2013



This week is a special week because there is no lecture, Miss Ummi change the lecture to a sharing business talk and experience from the founder and owner of O-SHIMA JAPANESE RESTAURANT Madam Asnidar Hanim Yusuf. This business talk from Madam Asnidar really interesting and really enthusiastic because as a Malay women who own a japanese restaurant is a rarely thing to see, but she succeed to prove that there is nothing we cant do if we put our full effort on it. 

Madam Asidar who possessed a bachelor of engineering from university in Japan start her idea to open a japanese restaurant come from the interest of eating sushi. She told us that she and her husband really love to eat sushi when they stay in Japan. From the passion of eating sushi, they decided to open a Japanese Restaurant but based on Halal Ingredients. 

O-Shima Japanese Restaurant is a 100% Halal restaurant in Malaysia that served Japanese food. She said this is the other reason why she wanted to open a sushi, because it is really hard to find a Halal Japanese restaurant. So, this is her opportunity to served the Muslims by offering a Halal japanese food. Although there are many obstacle she need to overcome in becoming a successful businesswomen.

She share with us the problem she need to face in Japan which is a high cost to get halal certificate from the japan government. She also said that almost every japanese restaurant will served their sushi with liquor. That is why when customer come to her restaurant in Japan the customer ask for liquor, but she tell the customer that her restaurant is based on Halal food, so there is no liquor. 

What I get from this talk is that be positive all the time. A negative thinking will destroy your thinking and make your action meaningless. She said that there is no success without failure, she also have an experience in fail. Money is not everything, do not neglect Allah rule. Make every action as Ibadah because Allah will pay for every Ibadah that we do.  

Saturday 9 November 2013



This topic is a very interesting topic, because it was something that playing around in my head. Sometimes I keep asking about how to make business in international market. It is not easy to start a new business in international market as a new entry or a new competitor against others older competitor because there are many differences in terms of currency, language, rules and regulation and others factor. 

When we talk about KFC, MCDONALDS, SUBWAY and other fast food company, all of the brand are well-known in international market. Almost every country we can see this company provide their product. What are the primary reason a companies choose to compete in international market? There are several reason why the companies enter the foreign market, which is:

  • To gain access to new customer. 
  • To achieve lower cost through economies of scales, experience and increased purchasing power
  • To gain access to resources and capabilities located in foreign markets
  • To spread business risk across a wider market base
International market is totally different from home country business market. In terms of risk, the risk companies face is in the political and economic risk. Although in the home country also the companies facing the political and economic problems, but the problem or risk in international market is far more complicated. The political risk in international market stem from instability or weaknesses in national government and hostility to foreign business. Beside that, the economic risks stem from the stability of a country's monetary system, economic and regulatory policies, the lack of property rights protections.

Beside that, as I mention before about the different currency from our country and the others foreign country, there will be effects of exchange rate shifts which is exporters experience a rising demand for their goods, whenever their currency grows weaker relative to the importing country's currency. On the other hand, companies usually use the greenfield venture when competing in international market. 

Greenfield venture is a type of venture where finances are employed to create a new physical facility for a business in a location where no existing facilities are currently present. A greenfield investment originally referred to locating new company buildings on a pasture that was literally a green field, but the term is often used generally in modern business communication. A greenfield venture also means a subsidiary business that is established by setting up the entire operation from the ground up. 

Miss Ummi also taught us the three strategy approaches in competing internationally which is multidomestic strategy, global strategy, transnational strategy. International strategy means strategy that company use in competing market between two or more countries. A multidomestic strategy means the companies offering their product from a different variety based upon the value in the country they wanted to market their product. A global strategy have a different meaning from multidomestic strategy because using global strategy, companies tend to offer a same product everywhere. On the other hand, the transnational strategy means an international business structure where a company's global business activities are coordinated via cooperation and interdependence between list head office, operational divisions and internationally located subsidiaries or retail outlets. A transnational strategy offers the centralization benefits provided by a global strategy along with the local responsiveness characteristic of domestic strategies.

Three approaches for competing internationally:
  • Global Strategy : Think Global - Act Global
  • Transnational Strategy : Think Global - Act Local
  • Multidomestic Strategy : Think Local - Act Local