Saturday 16 November 2013



This week is a special week because there is no lecture, Miss Ummi change the lecture to a sharing business talk and experience from the founder and owner of O-SHIMA JAPANESE RESTAURANT Madam Asnidar Hanim Yusuf. This business talk from Madam Asnidar really interesting and really enthusiastic because as a Malay women who own a japanese restaurant is a rarely thing to see, but she succeed to prove that there is nothing we cant do if we put our full effort on it. 

Madam Asidar who possessed a bachelor of engineering from university in Japan start her idea to open a japanese restaurant come from the interest of eating sushi. She told us that she and her husband really love to eat sushi when they stay in Japan. From the passion of eating sushi, they decided to open a Japanese Restaurant but based on Halal Ingredients. 

O-Shima Japanese Restaurant is a 100% Halal restaurant in Malaysia that served Japanese food. She said this is the other reason why she wanted to open a sushi, because it is really hard to find a Halal Japanese restaurant. So, this is her opportunity to served the Muslims by offering a Halal japanese food. Although there are many obstacle she need to overcome in becoming a successful businesswomen.

She share with us the problem she need to face in Japan which is a high cost to get halal certificate from the japan government. She also said that almost every japanese restaurant will served their sushi with liquor. That is why when customer come to her restaurant in Japan the customer ask for liquor, but she tell the customer that her restaurant is based on Halal food, so there is no liquor. 

What I get from this talk is that be positive all the time. A negative thinking will destroy your thinking and make your action meaningless. She said that there is no success without failure, she also have an experience in fail. Money is not everything, do not neglect Allah rule. Make every action as Ibadah because Allah will pay for every Ibadah that we do.  

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